Thursday, October 15, 2020

The 2020 Election: A Letter From Our Editor in Chief

On Nov. 3 America will stand at a crossroads. Let's choose the path of hope.
The 2020 Election Offers Us a Once-in-a-Lifetime Chance — Let's Seize It
The morning after the 2016 election felt surreal. Like many of you, I woke up full of heartache and uncertainty. How would I explain Donald Trump's win to my three daughters? How would I rally my team to move forward when so many of us were reeling from loss and worry? There were no easy answers. What I did know is that I started POPSUGAR from a place of hope, positivity, and community. And I knew we could not lose that hope.

Don't get me wrong; the last four years have been challenging, disappointing, and oftentimes downright terrifying for so many of us. But as former President Barack Obama said on the 2008 campaign trail: "Hope is not blind optimism." Hope demands more of us. Hope demands we confront the crises America is facing and confront that our current president is not equipped to address them — or even interested in doing so. Hope demands we confront our own responsibility to take action and do the work to become the America we want to be. So, in 2020, I feel more inspired and excited to reach and work and fight for this country than I ever have before. Because this year, we have the potential and the power to change course and move toward a new vision of America. An America where all of us can feel safe, included, and cared for. There is no question that former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris are the team to lead us there.

On Nov. 3, America will stand at a crossroads. Let's choose the path of hope. Let's choose Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

– Lisa Sugar, Founder, President, and Editor in Chief, POPSUGAR


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