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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Demand Change

We can't stand by and hope for change; we have to demand it — in our policies, in each other, in ourselves, and in our content.
We can't stand by and hope for change; we have to demand it — in our policies, in each other, in ourselves, and in our content. At POPSUGAR, we are committed to furthering the conversation and doing the work to combat racism and inequality. You'll see this reflected in our content and the stories we tell, the voices we elevate, and our approach to community not only today but moving forward. We haven't always done enough, but we pledge to do more.

There are many organizations working nonstop to address the social injustices facing Black people across America, and ways we can all fight this fight today and every day. Because we have a platform, we are sharing a few of them with you.

Here are some resources and organizations to check out:
Let's demand change.

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